And now it’s all about what happens next...
Hard to win
Oracle Team USA design co-ordinator SCOTT FERGUSON has never had any doubts about that
Torque is cheap – Part I
BLUE ROBINSON talks to GLENN ASHBY – the champion gamer of the 35th America’s Cup
Early signs
And IVOR WILKINS already knows a lot more than he is quite ready to let on... So watch this space
Tough call
JAMES BOYD tries to see past the many conflicting forces that will shape the next America’s Cup in 2021
Eight bells
A very tough month. ROB WEILAND
Much ado about a lot
JAMES DADD looks at the (massive) task ahead
But new rating office director and IRC supremo DR JASON SMITHWICK has yet to decide...
My... we do breed ’em
There are some quite remarkable people who are drawn to race sailing boats... TIM JEFFERY sits down with DR FRANK NEWTON OBE
And more commitment – BOUWE BEKKING is about to start his 8th race around the globe (sic)
Ken Read
And 2017 really is ‘the year of the record’
Tomorrow’s (IRC) design today
BERNARD NIVELT has led the charge to lighter, faster IRC designs. And this is the fastest one yet...
Long shadow
The largely self-taught DOUG PETERSON brought Ganbare to the 1973 One Ton Cup and offshore yacht design was never the same again. TIM JEFFERY remembers a good friend
One year on
It’s not just the foiling multihulls racing ahead
When you do need it you do need it to work
Born in the Volvo – available to all
Hoping for the best is never much of a plan
… is everywhere on the latest WallyCento
(Much) more than furlers
Beautiful sleepy port begat beautiful high tech
Moving on from Rio
America’s Cup 35 wasn’t June’s only big event
Ten years and growing
And this year it’s the turn of Aarhus, Denmark
The 2018 Grand (Caribbean) Tour
Can’t make up your mind, why not have all of it?
Commodore’s letter
How the Cup was won and why the Golden Globe in 2018 is going to be such a huge story. ROB KOTHE, JACK GRIFFIN and TERRY HUTCHINSON
World news
IVOR WILKINS loves a parade, CARLOS PICH with a (complete) change of tone for the Barcelona World Race, VINCENT LAURIOT-PREVOST and PATRICE CARPENTIER race the Atlantic, the JOYON-COVILLE battle without end and DOBBS DAVIS watches the return of a wizard
World Sailing – Some legacy
Give me a fast boat, any fast boat. ANDY RICE
Paul Cayard – Grounding
America’s Cup 36... some informed prediction
Design – Welcome back
A long time ago (boys and girls) there was a fast type of yacht called the GS34. And now it looks like there is about to be another one...
RORC – In rude health
Seahorse regatta calendar
Seahorse build table – A fun design space
ERIK LEROUGE has a new Mini-Me trimaran
Sailor of the Month
Two masters of all they survey