It was that close
But it was PHIL SHARP who did it once again
It hardly ever rains
Keeping all of the people happy for all of the time does not happen by accident… ROB WEILAND
An extraordinary vintage
The Yale Class of 76 was exactly that and STEVE BENJAMIN was far from being the only sailor that summer to go on to much bigger things. DOBBS DAVIS
Delivery – Part II
Preparing for the Bermuda Race… albeit in 1926. CLARE MCCOMB
Even a double Olympic medallist, Volvo Ocean Race winner and the current RYA Director of Racing is struggling a little with the ongoing Olympic classes selection process. IAN WALKER
Re-entry is a bitch
Often the finish of a round-the-world race can ‘simply’ see one set of all-consuming challenges replaced by another. BRIAN HANCOCK
Mid-size melting pot
The market for IRC-racers in the 30-35ft range has become a lot more interesting driven by the new demand for shorthanded platforms. FRED AUGENDRE, JEAN-PIERRE KELBERT, ERIC LEVET, YANN DUBE and MICHELE MOLINO
In good hands?
Probably none better in fact… ROB KOTHE talks to the new owners of the Volvo Ocean Race RICHARD BRISIUS and JOHAN SALEN
Commodore’s letter
Quite the new (TP52) toys, Cup ‘foundations’ and is there (finally) some light at the end of the USA Olympic tunnel. JACK GRIFFIN, TERRY HUTCHINSON, BERNARDO SANCHEZ
World news
That six-second victory, on a very complicated racetrack, foils lose out again in Nice, ALEX THOMSON goes public (at last), 50 years ahead of the game... from one America’s Cup to ‘40’ and Class40 holds its ground over there... IAN BURNS, PATRICE CARPENTIER, BLUE ROBINSON, IVOR WILKINS, DOBBS DAVIS/p>
Rod Davis – Freshen it up
Get up forward to Marlboro Country, you worthless bunch of backstay hangers…
ORC – Life is compromise
A unique opportunity to learn. MATTEO POLLI
IMA – Rewarding but complex
A humble employee writes… ROB WEILAND
Seahorse build table – Coming on very nicely (thank you)
First it was 20 boats, then suddenly it became 40 boats… And now even that number is looking as if it may be an under-estimate. DOBB DAVIS
RORC news – The steamroller Français
Seahorse regatta calendar
Sailor of the Month
Helluva tough choice this month (for us too)