| Nomination |
One of the unsung
heroes of the US
scene... As many other
big regattas struggle,
both in the US and elsewhere, Draftz
has worked away tackling the issue
from the ground up, rather than the
other way around. All of this effort
has been focussed on developing
Sperry Charleston Race Week, which
has very quietly now grown into
perhaps the biggest and most
successful event of its kind
Why they won |
‘For his tireless work to promote good sailboat racing Randy fully
deserves this honour’ – Jay Hansen; ‘What Randy does to promote
sailing for the young and old affects thousands every year’ – Syd
Shuler; ‘He has grown Charleston Race Week from nothing’ – Ray
Groble; ‘40 years as a great ambassador of the sport’ – Earl Lyden;
‘His regatta is the best!’ – Louisa Fleming; ‘He sets a great example
of how a regatta should be run!’ – Kirk Weichsel; ‘Watching his
regatta explode has inspired sailing in this area’ – Logan Bonner. |