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60' Canting Keel Mini Maxi WILD JOE

For Sale
Price: 390 000 EUR 390 000 EUR

+33 4 67 66 39 93
Added 2022-06-16 10:16:57


In 2018 WILD JOE underwent a complete refit, including the installation of a DSS foil. The DSS foil, coupled with a completely new sail inventory from Doyle Sails, supervised and developed by Stu Bannatyne, has meant that the performance of the yacht has been increased as much as 40%. Speed increases of 6 knots in moderate wind strengths are not uncommon and the thrill factor for the owner and crew is at a completely different level.

Specific details

Designer Reichel / Pugh
Builder Azzura Marine
Beam 4.01 m
Boat Name WILD JOE
Displacement 10,367 kg
Engine(s) YANMAR
Horsepower 75
Hull Material Carbon Nomex
LOA 18.57 m
Location Croatia
LWL 17.40 m
Maximum Draft 4.10 m
Model 60' Canting Keel Mini Maxi
Year 2002

Advert details

Advert ID 1517
Displayed 1181
Modified 2023-03-08 09:44:11
Expires 2024-05-16 13:48:46
Category Monohulls