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Contact Lucy Jackson - LV Yachting
Call: +44 (0) 20 3920 6261
Added 2023-10-22 17:23:30


Introducing the Xp 50 our latest Racing Yacht Charter Boat – a cruiser-racer of exceptional performance that seamlessly combines speed and handling. The extended waterline length of this model not only enhances its cruising capabilities but also boosts its straight-line velocity. Following the Xp range’s tradition, the 50-foot variant employs epoxy infusion construction methods to enhance rigidity while minimizing weight. It features a carbon keel structure for paramount safety and unparalleled stability, accompanied by a meticulously crafted composite keel sporting an iron fin and lead bulb for a remarkable ballast ratio.

Tailoring the Xp 50 to individual preferences is effortless, with choices between standard aluminum or optional carbon rig packages, as well as standard or deep draft keels. This empowers Xp 50 owners to fine-tune their yacht for various scenarios – be it cruising or racing, with a full crew or limited crew, and for inshore, offshore, or bluewater sailing adventures.

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Designer X-Yachts Design Group

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Advert ID 1712
Displayed 604
Expires 2024-09-14 12:29:51
Category Charters