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Truly Classic 90 S/Y ATALANTE

Price: From 37,000 per week EUR From 37,000 per week EUR
Contact Charter Department
Phone : +33 (0)467 66 39 93
Mail : or
Added 2023-01-13 11:15:29


Greatly benefitting from the expertise of her architect Hoek Design and Dutch builder Claasen Jachtbouw, ATALANTE combines sailing performance with an abundance of space to create an excellent cruising yacht. 


 Proven in regattas also, ATALANTE has partcicipated in several restigious races throughout her career and even won the Hoek Design Cup two years running in 2012 and 2013. 


Extensive with alfresco living areas, ATALANTE features a cockpit as the social centre of the yacht as well as a drop-down platform for ease of access to the tender and water activities onboard. 


ATALANTE boasts an attractive layout for charter guests characterised by an extensive owner's cabin and two luxury guest cabins. Following a major refit in 2022, ATALANTE is well-designed and decorated with a sleek overall look. 


ATALANTE is alaso available to compete in various regattas. Please enquire for further information and a precise quotation. 


Charter Destinations:

SUMMER and WINTER : West Mediterranean

French Riviera | Corsica | Naples & Amalfi Coast | Sicily |Sardinia | Marseille to Saint Tropez | Tuscany & Elba | Balearic Islands



Cabins: 3 | Guests: 6


Special Features:

- Super track record in regattas in the Caribbean and Mediterranean

- Winner of the Hoek Design Cup two years running

- Meticulously maintained by a full-time professional crew


Activities : wakeboard, donut, tender, waterski


For full details, please visit her dedicated page : ATALANTE

Specific details

Designer Hoek Design
Location West Mediterranean
First Launch 2009

Advert details

Advert ID 1600
Displayed 807
Modified 2023-03-28 11:40:41
Expires 2024-05-14 07:56:16
Category Charters