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MG5 – Windrift

Contact Lucy Jackson - LV Yachting
Call: +44 (0) 20 3920 6261
Added 2024-01-18 09:49:54


he MG5 catamaran was built with ethical approach to sustainable development, aiming to achieve as close to zéro négative impact as possible through innovation and recycling.

In collaboration with the architectural firm BARREAU NEUMAN, Marc GUILLEMOT designed a 52-foot catamaran combining performance, integrating high quality parts from racing boats such as IMOCAs and innovation through the handling of the nacelle on silent blocks and the solar main sail.

MG5 prototype is an atypical support for thrilling races

Specific details

Designer Christophe Barreau/Fred Neuman
Location Caribbean, Pacific
First Launch 2022
Beam 8.99m
Boat Name Windrift
Builder MG5/Sailing Organisation Guillemot
Description The MG5 catamaran was built with ethical approach to sustainable development, aiming to achieve as close to zéro négative impact as possible through innovation and recycling. In collaboration with the architectural firm BARREAU NEUMAN, Marc GUILLEMOT designed a 52-foot catamaran combining performance, integrating high quality parts from racing boats such as IMOCAs and innovation through the handling of the nacelle on silent blocks and the solar main sail MG5 prototype is an atypical support for thrilling races
Electronics Electronic NKE with Gyro 3 Adrena app navigation
LOA 15.8m / 52ft
Sails Main Sail J1 J2 J3 Spinnaker A2 Spinnaker A4 Code 0
Year 2022
Designer Christophe Barreau/Fred Neuman

Advert details

Advert ID 1794
Displayed 284
Modified 2024-01-18 09:49:54
Expires 2024-05-22 14:08:26
Category Charters