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FOR CHARTER - First 53 - Yagiza

Contact Lucy Jackson - LV Yachting
Call: +44 (0) 20 3920 6261
Added 2023-02-20 12:39:06


The vision for the First 53 was for high-performance cruising for an owner keen on regattas.  This luxury performance sailing yacht has a well-balanced helm, easy-flow deck plan and a modern marine interior with white lacquered bulkheads and moulded wood. 


With a flush teak deck, low coachroof and a sleek modern look, she has all the virtues of a thoroughbred. The First Yacht 53 marks a new era for First Yachts with a top quality mast, high-end deck gear and a powerful sail plan that is easily controlled by a shorthanded crew.


Available to charter in the Caribbean


For full details please visit LV Yachting

Specific details

Location Caribbean

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Advert ID 1625
Displayed 720
Modified 2023-02-20 12:47:11
Expires 2024-05-13 12:40:05
Category Charters