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FOR CHARTER - ClubSwan 42 - Dralion

Contact Lucy Jackson - LV Yachting
Call: +44 (0) 20 3920 6261
Added 2023-02-20 12:43:48


In the spring of 2005, the New York Yacht Club approached several designers requesting a proposal for a new One Design yacht for the Club members and other sailors to enjoy traditional Corinthian racing. The gave birth to the ClubSwan 42.


ClubSwan 42 is a light and extremely fast yacht and the first Swan to feature a retractable bow spirit. The boat is fast, fun to sail and rates well under the IRC Rule.


Available to charter in the Mediterranean


For full details please visitLV Yachting

Specific details

Location Mediterranean

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Advert ID 1626
Displayed 791
Modified 2023-02-20 12:54:14
Expires 2024-05-13 12:32:23
Category Charters