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Performance Sailing Brokerage

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Protector 8.5m Cabin

For Sale
Price: 125.000 vat paid EUR 125.000 vat paid EUR
Contact Seaport Yacht Brokers
Oud-Loosdrechtsedijk 249
1231 LX Loosdrecht
The Netherlands
+31 255 70 02 09

Added 2024-03-12 15:50:38


Protector 8.5m Cabin Hardtop, now with 2022 Yamaha 300 horsepower engines with less than 75 hours! Built in Auckland, New Zealand in 2009


The Rayglass Protector 8.5m Cabin is the ultimate professional workboat with all the comfort of a pleasure yacht. This vessel is built to handle even the toughest weather conditions, so you can confidently venture out to sea no matter what. Plus, the large, open aft deck makes loading and unloading a breeze.


The hypalon tubes are comprised of seven separate chambers, ensuring that in the unlikely event of a leak, your safety is never compromised. The windshield is made of tempered glass, while the hatch to the bow area is made of 10mm tempered glass, adding an extra layer of protection to your journey.


Equipped with brand new Yamaha 300 horsepower engines from 2022 with less than 75 hours, this Protector rib from 2009 is the perfect vessel for anyone seeking a fast and comfortable ride in all conditions.


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Category Brokerage Boats