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Zeydon Z60 - REGULUS

For Sale
Price: 550,000 EUR 550,000 EUR
Contact Ben Cooper
Berthon UK
Tel: 0044 (0)1590 679 222
Added 2022-04-21 17:11:12


A super cool Zeydon Z60 - fresh from a large refit including new carbon sails. Her design has been very carefully thought-out, especially how the space flows from on deck to down below. Built in Belgium to a very high standard with an impressive strength to weight ratio meaning she sails like a dream.

Specific details

Designer Bosgraaf Yacht Design
Builder Zeydon Yachts, Belgium
Beam 5.50
Displacement 21,000kg
Engine(s) Yanmar 4Jh4
Horsepower 110
Hull Material Composite
LOA 19.69
Location Marmaris, Turkey
LWL 18.30
Maximum Draft 2.90
Model Zeydon Z60
Year 2008; refit 2020/21

Advert details

Advert ID 1493
Displayed 1745
Modified 2022-07-29 12:04:02
Expires 2024-07-28 14:13:14