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For Sale
Contact Carrswood Yachts Limited, UK
Tel: +44 (0)7476 888639

Added 2023-11-23 16:08:45




SAVANNAH’s all carbon kevlar construction ensures thrilling performance & impeccable balance thanks to her deep fin keel. In truth this Modern Classic Legend has never really been matched since her launch in 1997. Achieving a particularly good rating, it is no wonder SAVANNAH continues to turn heads on the racecourse where she has achieved podium results in Antigua, Newport RI, St Tropez and Cowes. With hydraulic winches & furling genoa, SAVANNAH can be easily sailed by 2-3 pers. and is an ideal purists cruising yacht in which to cruise the Mediterranean or US coastline. This is a fine yacht not to be missed! 


In 1997 the classic design of SAVANNAH set new standards of grandeur and elegance under sail. Her long overhangs and low freeboard were inspired by the magnificent J-Class yachts of the 1930's.  


Below the waterline, SAVANNAH has an efficient & fast cruising hull form, a deep fin keel and spade rudder. Utilising the latest composite engineering methods, her construction is of carbon fibre, kevlar and foam which creates a lightweight yet very robust hull. Savannah accelerates to exhilarating speeds. Engineered to be strong yet light, her efficient keel produces high sail-carrying power and superior performance to windward.


LOA 90ft (27.43m)
LWL 59ft (17.98m)
Beam 17ft (5.18m)
Draft 11ft 5in (3.5m)
Displ. 95,000l (47.5tons)


Naval Architect: Pedrick Yacht Designs
Artistic Director: Randolph Watkins
Interior Designer: John Munford Design
Builder: Concordia Custom Yachts, Massachusetts. USA
Year: 1997


All Carbon Composite Construction, Kevlar, S+E Glass, Corecell foam sandwich deck
Teak laid decks on carbon sub-deck (excellent condition)
Carbon reinforced traditional teak hatches, skylights, and companionways


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Expires 2024-11-23 15:57:29