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X-Yachts X-512

For Sale
Price: 190000 EUR 190000 EUR
Contact Lead broker : Michele Antonini
Tel: +39 3337489281
Added 2023-08-24 14:51:59


Launched in 1991, DURLINDANA II is hull no.4 of 17 of the hugely popular Niels Jeppesen-designed X-Yachts X-512 built between 1990 and 1995. Now under her second private ownership, DURLINDANA II is particularly attractive thanks to her three cabins, three heads interior layout and forepeak that can be converted to a crew cabin.


Her specification highlights include:

·         3-cabin, 2-head layout

·         Crew cabin in the forepeak

·         Standard 2,80m keel version

·         2-speed Andersen electric Winches

·         Teak deck

·         White hull

·         88hp Yanmar engine

·         Face forward chart table

·         L-shape galley

·         Ensuite owner heads with separate shower box

·         Eberspacher air heater

·         60 litres per hours water maker


·         Carbon fibre folding passerelle

Specific details

Designer Niels Jeppesen
Builder X-Yachts
Beam 4.5
Displacement 13658
Engine(s) Yanmar 4JH2-DTE
Horsepower 88hp
Hull Material GRP
LOA 15.59
Location Sardinia
LWL 12.66
Make X-Yachts
Maximum Draft 2.8
Model X-512
Year 1991

Advert details

Advert ID 1707
Displayed 598
Modified 2023-10-27 12:06:22
Expires 2024-10-23 14:51:00