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Swan 48-250 Scintilla

For Sale
Price: 1,350,000 Ex VAT EUR 1,350,000 Ex VAT EUR
Contact Giorgio Passarella
Added 2023-10-22 22:26:59


Swan 48 ‘Scintilla’ is at the top end of the specifications for the Swan 48.


The interiors combine modern design and classic elegance, featuring sumptuous woodwork, high-quality fittings, and spacious living areas that offer both comfort and functionality for extended journeys on the water.


Swan 48 is a high-performance sailing yacht built to handle the most challenging conditions. Its advanced rigging and sail technology ensure an exhilarating sailing experience, whether you're racing or cruising.


She is ready to go on new adventures and is still under Nautor Swan warranty. 

Specific details

Designer German Frers
Beam 4.59
Boat Name Scintilla
Description Swan 48 ‘Scintilla’ is at the top end of the specifications for the Swan 48. The interiors combine modern design and classic elegance, featuring sumptuous woodwork, high-quality fittings, and spacious living areas that offer both comfort and functionality for extended journeys on the water. Swan 48 is a high-performance sailing yacht built to handle the most challenging conditions. Its ad-vanced rigging and sail technology ensure an exhilarating sailing experience, whether you're racing or cruising. She is ready to go on new adventures and is still under Nautor Swan warranty.
Displacement 15000
Engine(s) Volvo D2-75
Fuel Capacity 360l
Horsepower 75
Hull Material Fiberglass
LOA 14.78
Location Palma de Mallorca, Spain
LWL 13.88
Make Nautor Swan
Maximum Draft 2.40
Model 48-250
Sails All North Sails
Water Capacity 500l
Year 2019

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Advert ID 1743
Displayed 450
Expires 2024-06-25 10:33:24