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J /121-Jackhammer

For Sale
Price: 369000 USD 369000 USD
Contact Lucy Jackson - LV Yachting
Call: +44 (0) 20 3920 6261
Added 2023-11-16 08:23:36


Jackhammer, embodies high-performance and ocean racing excellence. A J/121 40’ offshore speedster that can be day raced or distance sailed by just 5 or fewer crew. She boasts an impressive pedigree and is extremely well equipped.

Launched in 2018, Jackhammer showed her competitive spirit by entering the Newport-Bermuda Race, where she clinched an impressive 3rd place finish within her class. With a track record like that, you can trust in her  offshore capabilities. In addition to this achievement, Jackhammer has also graced several other events in 2018 and 2019, demonstrating versatility in the realm of competitive sailing.

Jackhammer is ready for any challenge. She comes with most of the available factory options, bolstered by various custom additions such as a fixed carbon sprit, Gori 3 Blade Prop, and an EFOY Fuel Cell Generator. The extensive offshore electronics and navigation package ensures you’re equipped with the latest technology to navigate any event or cruise. Moreover, the boat’s complete sail inventory and comprehensive running rigging make it a great contender in any race. With Jackhammer, you’re not just purchasing a boat; you’re acquiring a vessel that embodies exceptional sailing performance, cutting-edge features, and a racing pedigree. Get ready to embark on thrilling adventures as soon as this boat touches the water.

Specific details

Designer J Boats
Boat Name Jackhammer
Description Jackhammer is a lightly used, fully equipped and ocean race ready J/121. The boat was launched in 2018 and sailed in the Newport-Bermuda Race, finishing 3rd in her class, and was subsequently sailed in a few other events in 2018 and 2019. Due to Covid, the boat has been on the hard since the end of the 2019 season. Jackhammer has most all the available factory options, minus water ballast, plus many custom options like a fixed carbon sprit in addition to the factory extendable pole, a Gori 3 blade prop, and an EFOY Fuel Cell Generator. Add in an extensive offshore electronics and navigation package, complete sail inventory and comprehensive running rigging, and you are ready to race as soon as the boat hits the water.
Electronics Complete B&G Custom System
Engine(s) Yanmar 3YM30ACE 3 cylinder 4-stroke 29hp diesel engine with 125 amp alternator and SD 25 Saildrive with 2-piece split zinc.
Horsepower 30 hp
Hull Material GRP
LOA 12.19
Location USA
Make J Boats
Model Jackhammer
Rigging Carbon Fibre Mast, Boom, Bow sprit etc
Sails Complete UK inventory - New 2018 - (used two seasons) Mainsail - Uni-Titanium LS w/three reefs Delivery mainsail - 90oz CB Dacron w/ four battens J1, J2, J3 - Uni Titanium LS Code Zero - CZ 30 w/top down furling cable A1 VMG - Superkote 60 A2 Runner - Superkote 75 A3 Reacher - Superkote 90 w/top down furling cable A5 Runner - Superkote 90 Storm Jib and Trysail - 10oz CB Orange Dacron - (Storm jib w/ furling cable)
Year 2018

Advert details

Advert ID 1770
Displayed 624
Modified 2023-11-16 09:38:57
Expires 2024-05-22 14:09:10