George Szabo & Rick Peters (USA)
| Nomination |
Fourteen Star Worlds attempts for Quantum sailmaker Szabo from San Diego, probably a few more for Rick Peters… Starboat Guy to his friends. A hugely popular win, this, and one from which Szabo’s boss, Mark Reynolds, can also take some considerable pleasure given the support he has provided over the years. And the last American World’s winner, also Mark Reynolds (with Magnus Liljedahl)… nice symmetry
Why they won |
‘A well-deserved win for two very dear friends… plus they showed you don’t need to be a 100kg helm!’ – Christian Finnsgard; ‘I’m totally biased as I’m about to sail the Snipe worlds with George, but this doesn’t seem like an even match!’ – Carol Cronin; ‘Both these guys have helped so many people over the years’ – Huy Nguyen (and many others); ‘Great sailors and fine gentlemen’ – Doug Steele. And finally, ‘A great son’ – George Thomas Szabo Jr. |