June 2024


Other teams had setbacks, none more so than Italy’s Translated 9, the team frequently leading in IRC but twice succumbing to failures that caused unsustainable ‘ingress of water’, also known as sinking. Marie Tabarly has worked so hard for this, her campaign run completely in the image of her father, never taking the easy option, racing a huge, heavy 50-year-old rolly-polly Maxi, recruiting and patiently training up a new young crew and then winning the damn thing. Marvellous!
 Why they won
For those worried about the gender balance in sailing do not be discouraged. Our last two winners smashed through every previous voting record, so the love is there… ‘As a crew on Translated 9, Marie has been a fierce competitor on the sea and a lovely person on land!’ – Ezgim Mistikoglu; ‘Marie carries the Tabarly name with honour, he who made us all dream back when we were young’ – Gerard Moneron; ’Marie is easily the greatest woman in the world!!’ – Patrick Guilbert.