| Nomination |
We have tried before, Ossie,
really we have. Still a nipper
at 68, the Olympic Soling
bronze medallist of 1992 has
amassed a huge tally of major
national and international titles but always
as a crew. Winning the 2022 RS Elite title
marked his first ever in the back of the bus.
Crewed by his son Tom and renowned one
design sailor Geoff Carveth, Stewart took
his big win by just 1pt ahead of old friend
and rival Russell Peters who was taking time
out from his own full-on Cape 31 campaign
Why they won |
‘Age and treachery win over
youth and beauty!’ – Andrew
McIrvine; ‘The old bugger
deserves it for all his years and
achievements’ – Robo; ‘I’ve had
to put up with him for over 40
years’ – Jock Wishart; ‘A lifetime
of humour (and achievement!)’
– Bryn Vaile; ‘If you know, you
know… if you don’t, where have
you been?’ – Ian Holtendahl
Finlay; ‘Did you know he has
an Olympic medal? – too many
people to list; ‘Nice one, Oz,
good man’ – ed. |