| Nomination |
This guy is really, really good and deserves recognition far beyond the coast of his native Uruguay. Compared to his friend and runner-up
Carlos Manera, Waksman was racing a much older Raison design and constantly battling with a lack of preparation time brought about by his endless struggle for funding. That did not end with his Mini Transat victory, and Waksman was soon heading to the airport to fly home and start to earn some money again to pay his debts
Why they won |
‘An excellent sailor and an
even better person’ – Alfredo
Izquierdo; ‘As a Uruguayan I
know how hard a journey Fede
had just to reach the startline’
– Helga Sturzenegger; ‘I hope
Fede now finds the support
to continue his great story’
– German Fischer; ‘Fede is a
fantastic sailor! He made a hell
of an effort to follow his dream
and he deserves every bit of
recognition he gets!’ – Alberto
Viera. |